Overwhelmed Mom
Meet Sandy, a married mom with teens and extended family living nearby.

Brain Foggy Provider
Meet Dawn, a single healthcare provider.

Scattered Professional
Meet Kari, a married mom with young children and a busy career.
Eugene, Oregon (541) 525 – 0132
Meet Sandy, a married mom with teens and extended family living nearby.
Meet Dawn, a single healthcare provider.
Meet Kari, a married mom with young children and a busy career.
Sandy is a married mom with teens, who also lives in the same town as extended family members. As the organizer, driver, cook, cleaner, and family nurturer, she is the family’s heart, soul, and brain. She took care of everyone and everything. But her giving and stretching left her exhausted with no time to herself and her needs were often overlooked. She disliked feeling like she was always drowning, but she couldn’t seem to balance competing family demands, and her “cup” was so empty that she didn’t even know what she wanted anymore.
Sandy’s primary problem concerned her lack of self-care. Long ago she made the choice to stay at home and raise her family, so there was much pride in the children she was raising. However, now that the kids were older and her health issues intensified, she knew that she needed to do things differently.
She had repeatedly tried healthier habits (e.g., walking, diet), but none of them stuck. Because Sandy juggled hectic teen schedules, immediate and extended family connections, as well as part-time work, it was difficult for her to find consistent opportunities to care for herself on a regular basis. And this was taking a serious toll on her emotional, physical, and social well-being.
I worked with Sandy to find feasible ways to take better care of herself across 3 main areas to enhance her life satisfaction:
We focused on these three areas to reduce Sandy’s stress level and create intentional activities that “filled her cup”. We also brought her other gifts and strengths (beyond giving) to light, to foster greater personal balance in her decision-making and feelings of self-worth. Our work also provided her with mindset and communication tools to effectively take care of both her needs and those of the family, enabling both to be priorities.
As Sandy’s self-care practices increased, and she made insightful connections about the impact of her choices, she began to feel significantly better.
These changes enabled her to manage her personal and family priorities more easily, saving her both time and energy. In addition, as her choices reduced the overwhelm, she more clearly saw recurring patterns that had kept her stuck. She planned, practiced, and reflected on how to respond in ways that better aligned with her truth.
Sandy felt stronger and it showed — on her face, how she dressed, how she thought, and in her choices. Her creative “zest for life” re-emerged and she realized how her support and guidance for the family didn’t have to come from putting herself last. She grew in her understanding that maintaining self-care was beneficial (to everyone!), not “selfish”.
Are you facing a problem like Sandy’s? Do you want to reduce stress and overwhelm but have trouble going about it on your own?
Natural Capacities life coaching offers a free conversation to help you explore mindful solutions to your challenging wellness problems. We can improve how you function so that you grow greater personal awareness and flourish, just like Sandy. You deserve to feel fulfilled!
Contact Leilani to schedule a no-obligation conversation today.
Having worked in a personal services profession for years, Dawn knew something was wrong when she kept forgetting, began having trouble articulating her thoughts, couldn’t concentrate for very long, and became easily flustered. As a sensitive professional, Dawn is diligent about providing quality service with compassion. However, her brain fog was making work nearly impossible, raising concerns about her future livelihood. She knew she couldn’t keep functioning this way, but she was afraid to tell anyone, and didn’t know what to do. Everything she had tried wasn’t working!
Dawn was clearly experiencing brain fog that various supplements, avoiding inflammatory foods, and drinking sufficient water weren’t fixing. Her inability to think clearly created mental burdens when doing paperwork and coordinating appointments, and left her with barely enough energy to work with clients (she was frustrated and fully aware that her usual empathy and care into her practice were missing). She was overworking just to keep up, and Dawn’s energy was so low that she hardly had the motivation to be social. The brain fog was beginning to take over all aspects of her life.
Dawn hired me to coach her to achieve greater brain wellness and improve her brain fog. So, we focused on two critical priorities:
These strategic priorities were put into place to address Dawn’s biggest cognitive challenges while ultimately aiming to significantly reduce the inflammation underlying her brain fog using evidence-based methods.
Over the course of six weeks, Dawn’s brain fog substantially lessened. Her ability to think clearly and focus during our sessions was remarkably better.
As Dawn’s energy improved, her stress level greatly decreased too. In the process, she learned how to structure her tasks in ways that minimize cognitive demands and lighten her workload, no matter how her brain functioned. Most importantly, Dawn felt better, both physically and emotionally because she began to feel more like herself again. She was optimistic about handling brain fog, if it ever returned, because she was empowered with the know-how to manage its uncertainty and the steps to improve it.
Are you experiencing brain fog or other baffling cognitive challenges? Do you need guidance to improve how you function, like Dawn?
Natural Capacities life coaching offers a free conversation to help you improve brain functioning and related wellness concerns. We can enhance your use of brain healthy habits and beneficial cognitive and coping strategies so that you think, feel, and do better, just like Dawn.
Contact Leilani to schedule a no-obligation conversation today.
In an industry known for integrating beauty, logic, and business, Kari stands out as an entrepreneur, wife, and mom who does it all. Able to always see possibilities, Kari is known for her great ideas and willingness to contribute to new professional initiatives. However, as a woman in her 40’s juggling multilayered demands for her attention and effort, she was constantly in motion. Kari was highly productive but miserable. Despite her many efforts to unwind or create fun, she often couldn’t relax, feel delight, or take pride in accomplishments. This disconnect made her feel even more “broken” than her ADHD already did.
Kari’s primary issue centered on the conflict between her unique ADHD tendencies, demanding job responsibilities, and desire to feel joy in her life. Because she had the energy to tackle all kinds of problems, and as a professional leader, she often began new projects with high enthusiasm that dwindled into unfocused distractibility, procrastination, and avoidance.
Her inconsistent and scattered focus on projects was problematic because it left tasks forgotten, raised uncertainty about when she’d get jobs done, and kept her in a state of running on adrenaline to meet tight deadlines or chasing “shiny objects”. She was highly productive in ways that created tremendous costs to her well-being. Her daily packed pace left no space (or energy) to experience big or small pleasures.
To tackle this critical issue, Kari hired me to coach her, and we initially worked on 3 main steps:
Combined, this process enabled Kari to learn about how her brain worked, and the role that certain brain wiring tendencies and life experiences interacted to influence different aspects of her functioning. In addition, we brought to the forefront how her life values and Essentials could be utilized to build nurturing habits and enhance self-regulated choices to support her long-term resilience.
As a result of our work together, Kari experienced considerable improvements.
The brain shame she had carried was replaced with powerful insight into how she optimally functioned. She better understood the two sides to her unique brain circuitry, which allowed her to see opportunities to make different behavioral choices, including how she managed her time. Rather than feeling like she was “failing”, she felt “more deliberate” in her decision-making, and this positively impacted how she spent her days.
In addition, she developed effective methods to create the mental (cognitive and emotional) space she needed to properly reset her brain functioning. As someone with ADHD, she had sleep and energy issues that complicated how her energy flowed, so finding successful strategies that were modifiable was an important takeaway. Mastering self-regulation will be a lifelong journey for Kari, but through coaching, she developed beneficial tools and resources to support her along the way.
Are facing a similar problem with focusing? Do you want to better understand how your brain works to reduce daily friction and have more ease, like Kari?
Natural Capacities life coaching offers a free conversation to help you gain clarity around your main brain wellness challenges and how to solve them. We can turn scattered thinking into more focused choice-making for greater genuine success at both work and home, just like Kari.
Contact Leilani to schedule a no-obligation conversation today.
*The names and some personally identifiable information have been changed to protect client confidentiality.
Photo Credits: Cotton Bro, Yan Krukov, and Karolina Grabowska @ Pexels.com
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