be more Stress resilient

Natural Capacities

Life Coaching for Overwhelmed Adults

Live Resiliently

Woman with arms open to sunrise.

Photo credit: Budka

What is stress resilience? It’s a learned quality that enables better coping with everyday micro-grinds and chronic concerns that keep our hearts, minds, and bodies in a constant state of elevated distress. In contrast to being “stress-resistant”, we learn to shift how we relate to our stress so that we grow in healthy ways that keep us steadily moving forward as our best selves (despite the challenges of our circumstances). It means more smoothly navigating the stream of life without being overwhelmed by it. It means being intentional about the choices we make because we have the mental space to understand their impact.

I use a ResiLIEnt framework to help clients better regulate their energy, effectively use evidence-based strategies, gain insight, and change how they function. They stop self-sacrificing, procrastinating, and engaging in other brain-wiring tendencies and mindsets that repeatedly throw them off track and create exhaustion. They develop more successful ways of managing uncertainty and tapping into their natural capacities effortlessly. They become the person they need (the one they are for everyone else).

Don’t let life’s challenges keep you stuck and chronically drained.

Learn how to prioritize from a place of personal truth, focus on what matters most, and skillfully navigate your circumstances.

Be fulfilled instead of overwhelmed.

Life doesn't have to be so hard.

Work With Leilani Sáez


I specialize in coaching & education to reduce stress & enrich how you live, from a brain-based, whole-person perspective. My approach draws from understandings of mindfulness, positive psychology, and executive functioning.

Clarify Brain Functioning

Optimize the conditions for thinking at your best. Understand the gifts & vulnerabilities that make up your unique brain wiring.

Build Personalized Support Structures

Identify, create, & use proven strategies to help you stay steady, flexible, and "on track" with your plans and hopes.

Grow Helpful Habits of Mind

Cultivate beneficial mindsets and practices to better align how you you think, feel, and act with who you truly are.

Make Beneficial Progress

Set goals, take action, & make purposeful refinements as you explore new ways of thinking and being in your world.

Transform how you think, feel & do. Everyday.

“The moment you are not the voice of your inner dialogue, you become free.”

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Client Testimonials

"I have high praise for Leilani's coaching skills. She has a gift of listening for the details and mirroring back what is really being said. She has a caring approach sprinkled with laughter. I appreciated having her guide me to increased awareness and provide a reframe my way of thinking."
“Working with Leilani has transformed me as a person. She gave me enough space to empty all my feelings in a way that made me feel heard and cared for. You can be sure she heard not only your words but your feelings, motivations, and obstacles. She was always right on point, helping me get to the root of my limitations. I am sure, that without her, I would still be stuck in key aspects of my life. I am very grateful I found her!”​
“This has been a great experience. I have tools to use when changes happen, and they will, to get back on track and keep going. It has also helped with my self talk."
“My experience with Leilani has been truly invaluable. She brought a calm, patient, and nurturing presence to our coaching sessions that allowed me to safely share my feelings and examine my barriers. I appreciated her ability to be gentle yet persistent about holding myself accountable and keeping me on track.”
“The unexpected outcome is actually that I'm doing less... but enjoying everything that I'm doing much more. As a result, I procrastinate less and am more effective with my time. That's caused a greater overall feeling of satisfaction with how I'm spending my time. I'm so grateful."

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Use brain science, positive psychology, and mindfulness to live more resiliently. Subscribe below.

Harness the power of self-mastery

Man with hand in stream.

Stay steady in the ever-changing stream of life.

Know your essential resources ~ Understand your unique brain-wiring tendencies ~ Release limiting beliefs and obstacles ~ Realize your optimal supports ~
Clarify your personal truth

Photo credit: Alex

Be clear, strong, & ready
